How To became a Photographer: Step by Step guide


Around 180 years ago in France the art of Photography was invented by French inventor Joseph Nicephore, who’s initial findings took almost one year to be accepted on 19th August, never every think off that his invention will be major game changer and will be career prospectus for many.

Today on daily basis around 10 million photographs are being uploaded on various social platforms and it has become a $50 billion dollars business and many professionally trained photographers has emerged up.

What it really take to became a photographer, is it really an art or just it take a camera a click on the shutter.

Buying a camera is first most important step to become a photographer but it takes passion, skills, patience and creativity to become a photographer. Here we had try to list the step by step guide to become a Photographer.

Every photographer started out a bit differently. Some started taking photos before the digital photography era. Others took online classes, while others hang fully-fledged degrees from their office walls. Many learn by picking themselves back up after falling flat on their faces and trying again.

Step 1: Just get started

If you kick start your journey the half of the work is done, then understand your camera the basic terms involved composition and exposure. Follow some Photography pages and websites follow their tips and tricks.

Step 2. Take lots of pictures — then take some more

Get off with auto mode eventually. Even shooting on auto mode can help you practice a few things — like timing, for example, and composition (which is what you leave in and what you leave out of the photo).

It is really only through massive amounts of trial and error that you will start to improve, so get going.

Step 3: Get comfortable with your specific camera

Know how to setup and control your camera, know how to perfectly set its aperture, ISO, Image stabilization. Know your gear limitations and all its features & specification.

Step 4: learn to use editing software

Even the best photos may need some minor editing. Using a quality editing software can take your photos from “good” to “great.”However, be wary of over-doing special effects; your clients may not like photographs that are overly stylized or edited.

Step 5: Now learn what goes into taking (amazing) photos

The secret to amazing — not just good — photos? Light. The word photography comes from Greek roots that mean to write with light. Without mastering lighting, you can’t take great pictures. Sure, sometimes you get lucky and happen to shoot a subject that’s already in great light, but to take on clients and become pro, you have to learn how to manipulate light to make your own luck.

To master lighting, you need to learn how to shoot in any lighting scenario. How do you shoot with the sun behind the subject and not end up with a silhouette? How do you intentionally using backlighting to create a silhouette? How does the look of side lighting differ from front lighting?

Step 6: Narrow down your focus

Just like every photograph needs a focal point, so does every photographer. While experimenting in every avenue is fine, if you want to become pro, you’ll need to narrow down just what type of photography you will offer. From wedding photography to product photography, there are plenty of different paths to choose from.

Try multiple areas of photography before settling on one as your favorite. For example, you may focus on portrait, wedding, sport, or landscape photography. Find your area of expertise and use it to your advantage in your business

Step 7: Get feedback

Now that you’ve got the basics and even a few more advanced techniques down, it’s time to put on some thick skin and seek out feedback. Every photographer learns and grows at different rates in different areas — having a trained eye look at your images allows you to discover what to improve next. Find someone who’s not afraid to speak their mind and that knows a bit about photography. Ask your mentor, find an online photography group, enter image contests or seek out social media feedback.

Don’t get discouraged if there’s a lot of negatives — picking out what needs improvement can be an emotionally tough task, but it’s essential to finding out where to go next. Just remember where you started from, make a list of things to improve and keep shooting.

Step 8: Get your Portfolio

In order to get hired by someone who isn’t a close family member or friend, you will need to have a portfolio to show. Use photographs from multiple shoots with different subjects to highlight the range of your talents. Make sure that your portfolio is comprised of more than just five or ten photos. People will want to see the great work you’ve done.

  • If you need to round-out your portfolio with modeling or posed shots, hire amateur models from local agencies. Offer free prints in exchange for free modeling.

Step 9: Give clients what they want

You may like to take creative portraits of people, but your clients might just want to look pretty. Remember that, especially when you are starting out, you need to make money. The best way to do that is to have your clients buy prints (or digital images with rights to print). They are more likely to buy prints if they like what they see!

Step 10: intern with a professional photographer

If you are an amateur photographer or you’re just starting out, you should intern or apprentice with a professional photographer to get a sense for how a photography business should be run. It’s likely that you won’t agree with the way your mentor does everything in her business, but it will give you a good idea of the “big picture” of running a photography business.

Learning how to become a photographer is a journey full of discovery — and fraught with many different pitfalls and detours. Ready to embark on that journey? Tell us Now by clicking here

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Click Here to view Best Cameras for Beginners & Professionals.

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