Gujarat High Court 2018 English & Gujarati Stenographers Posts – 276 Posts


Gujarat High Court, Sola, Ahmedabad.

Invites job application for Stenographers posts in English & Gujarati to fill vacancies Subordinate Courts in the State of Gujarat, in reference to Advertisement No. RC/1434/2017 (I) & RC/1434/2018 (I).

Under Gujarat High Court Stenographer 2018 Job Notification, candidates completed Graduation and possess typing and computer skills are required to apply.

On basis of Stenography / Skill Test and Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview) applicant for Gujarat HC Steno posts will be finalized on merit.

The selected candidate will be recruited with a salary in pay scale of Rs.39900-126600 per month.

An Interested and qualified person has to apply through offline mode by 31/08/2018.

Eligibility Criteria For Gujarat HC 2018 Stenographer Posts:

No. Of Vacancies:  276.

Name of Posts:

English Stenographer Grade–III – 92

Gujarati Stenographer Grade–III (Class-III) – 184

Age Limit:

As on 31/08/2018, candidate age limit should be 21 to 35 years.

An applicant from reserved and special categories, the upper age limit is relaxed as per Govt. guidelines.

Education Qualification:

Candidate should complete Graduation from a recognized university and should possess typing and computer skills.

Selection Process:

On basis of Stenography / Skill Test and Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview).

Application Fee:

A candidate has to pay a fee of Rs 600 through online mode.

Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, Differently Abled Persons (PH) and Ex-Servicemen shall be required to pay Fees of ₨.300.

Steps to apply for the post:

  • A Candidate has to logon to
  • Select relevant job notification “Detailed Advertisement for Centralized Recruitment to the Posts of English & Gujarati Stenographers (Grade – III) in the Subordinate Courts of The State of Gujarat [No. RC/1434/2017 (I) & RC/1434/2018 (I)]”.
  • Read complete job details.
  • Fill the application form in prescribed format, through online mode.
  • And take a print out of application for future use.

Important Dates:

Online application start and end date:  16/08/2018 (12:00 hours) to 31/08/2018 (23:59 hours).

Stenography / Skill Test: 25/11/2018.

Viva-voce Test (Oral Interview): January / February, 2019.

Job Notification:

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