Download SBI Bank PO Admit Card 2018 Now


The State Bank of India has made PO exam admit card live. The SBI Bank po exam will be conducted on 1st, 7th & 8th July, 2018. This year the bank has announced around 8,315  posts with salary range of 50,000 to 60,000/- per month.

The State Bank of India is largest Bank of India, and working at SBI comes with Job Security and Satisfaction plus with handsome perks like house allowance, travel allowance, holiday allowance, petrol allowance and much more. In growing financial scenario working at nationalized bank is not the same as it used to be in early 2000s. Now, Nationalized bank employee had to work in according to their counterparts in private banks. Growing customer numbers and schemes of government linked to bank has made bank job much more intense and some time hectic.  But, in the end when you compared to others and perks you will get as a SBI Po those pains are worth the gain.

You are advised go through instruction properly before going for the exam to avoid any last minute tantrums. They key to crack SBI exam is to attempt around 65 to 70 perc correct questions. Avoid to guess working until u have minimum 70% confidence on the option.

CareerNath team wishes you a very Best of Luck

Click here to download SBI Bank PO admit card for 2018.

Click here to download SBI bank Po sample papers.

Click here to view important Books for SBI Bank Po papers

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