Social Development Adviser Job in British Embassy, Lebanon

Social Development Adviser

The British Embassy Beirut has a vacancy for the position of Social Development Adviser. The position will be based in Lebanon in the Education Team within the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID).


DFID Lebanon is looking for a Social Development Advisor who can provide effective implementation of non-formal education and child protection work and ensure inclusion (gender and disability) are embedded within new program design and engagement. This role also includes

(i) engagement with social safety nets

(ii) setting out recommendations for work on inclusion and social development for DFID Lebanon for the medium term in line with the impact of Covid-19 to the education and protection sector in Lebanon.

Also Apply Now: Passport Examiner Job in Embassy of Canada, Beirut, Lebanon

Essential on arrival:

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English and Arabic
  • Strong grasp of the evidence base on social development (emerging research, evaluation of what works) acquired through a degree in a relevant subject and/or self-directed study.
  • Bachelors or Masters degree in a relevant subject (including, but not limited to sociology, political science, social/development policy and planning)
  • Experience of child protection sector in Lebanon
  • Minimum 5 years of experience working on social development policy and programming in Lebanon or the MENA region related to social or child protection.
  • Resilience and ability to work under pressure in a busy and sometimes challenging environment.
  • Excellent IT skills (standard Microsoft applications).

It is highly desirable:

  • Flexibility and willingness to respond to a range of corporate needs.
  • Excellent judgment and ability to understand complex issues quickly.
  • Previous experience of working with MOSA.
30 May 2020
Fixed Term, Full-time
1 July 2020

Application Process:

Interested candidates must attach the following documents when applying online.

  • An updated Curriculum Vitae
  • Please provide examples of performance in two of the behavioral competencies and all of the technical competencies in the motivation section of the online application form.
  • A cover letter stating why you feel you have the necessary skills and experience to perform well in the above role.

Click Here To Apply Now for Social Adviser Vacancy


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